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Training of Ayursathi

Medical care is now the second most common cause of family debt. The number of people not taking any treatment in the mid-1990s because they couldn't afford it was double what it was a decade earlier. By 1996, nearly one in every four rural Indians and one in five urban Indians fell into this group. Things have only worsened since then.

But we can never sit idle and blame the government. We are to find out the way out within our means. The root cause of our Health problem is lack of knowledge of health care, lifestyle and nutrition.

6000 years ego Indians developed Ayurveda which taught us how to live with the natural resources available with us. For example Ayurveda termed commonly available Amla as Amrita or Nectar which makes everyone live a long life. But do we use that knowledge every day ?

Our training is aimed at making people aware of Ayurvedic Medicines and Wonder of herbs. The main aim of our online and class room training is to motivate the common man to explore the wealth of Ayurveda which we Indians have inherited from our ancestors and be healthy and happy with everybody around us .


Click for joining the online course. For classroom training contact office